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Diet must meet the nutritional needs of patient, provided that in some cases, your doctor may advise the use of nutritional supplements specifically for women of childbearing age and persons who suffer from malabsorption. Diet is performed until the condition improves.

It should take into account how the food is prepared - it is necessary to separate all the visible fat from meat, and it is prepared by boiling, steaming or sautéing, roasting, and even in special containers without added fat, rather than frying. Do not take it too hot nor too cold dishes. You need to eat more often, but that no one meal is not lavish. After a large meal it is good to lie down at least half an hour, and the area of the gallbladder if necessary, put a warm compress or hot water bottle. And warm compresses help of a small copy, which is allowed to stand for half an hour or longer if the patient wraps reception. When an attack of pain confined to a diet sweetened tea, fruit juice and skim milk, it is best to abstain from food.